Daily Prayer for March 9, 2022

Prayer: Be pleased, our Father, to refresh the hearts of your people with the knowledge of who you are, what you have done, and what you promise us. We live in trying and difficult days. We know that there is nothing new under the sun, but we feel the weight of this fallen world all around us. We struggle with meeting our basic needs, caring for our families, and staying faithful to you. We are witnessing atrocities of the highest order in our world and grieve the things occurring in other countries. We are easily bothered by the smallest of circumstances and often forget that your providence is working for the good of your people. Though we indeed grieve these things, we confess to you that we are lazy, often seeking our kingdom more than we seek yours. We have not placed public worship and the preaching of your Word as the highest priority. We refuse to pray with and for your people, often neglecting the opportunity to gather and plead with you for those things that we see are wrong and constantly complain. Instead of using our time wisely, we spend too much of it on social media instead of on our knees. We would rather gripe about our leaders instead of praying for them, although your Word tells us that the heart of the king is in your hand. Forgive us, Lord, for these things. We desperately need your help, so please give us what you command us. 

Please help our leaders and those leaders of other nations. We plead with you for their salvation. We plead for your church that she would remember her purpose in this world and strive to be faithful to all that the King and Head of the church commands. We ask for great revival through the means of grace. Finally, we plead with you to pour out your Spirit on us for the sake of Christ, your beloved Son in whose name we pray. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ex. 34:6-7; Eccl. 1:9; Matt. 6:33; Acts 1:12-14; 1 Cor. 10:31

prayerWilliam Hill