Daily Prayer for July 23, 2021


Prayer: Almighty God in heaven, we praise your name today because you have granted us a new day to honor and serve you. This is the day you have made, and we will be glad and rejoice in it. We ask, our Father, that you would grant to us the zeal and perseverance to glorify you with the use of our time -- that we would redeem it, being careful to use the minutes and hours you have given us for your glory because the day and age in which we live are evil. Grant to us, holy God, a willing mind and spirit to spend each moment in your service and help us to resolve not to lose a single moment for the good of your kingdom. We ask that you would cause us to live with eternity in view and store up treasures in heaven and not earth. Please help us to remember that our lives are short and only those things done for you will last. Grant us these requests through Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 118:24; Eph. 5:15-16; James 4:14; Matt. 6:19-21

prayerWilliam Hill