Daily Prayer for January 6, 2022

Prayer: Grant almighty God that your redeemed and chosen people would behave in a manner worthy of the calling that we have received. We are thankful to you that you have called us out of darkness into your marvelous light. We are grateful that you have unstopped our deaf ears and given sight to our blind eyes. We thank you for the Savior who rescued us from the coming judgment that all men, outside of the ark that is Christ, will suffer. Just as in the days of Noah, so too in our day will all wickedness and evil devices of men come under your terrible judgment. We grieve at that reality as we look and see countless people who would rather suffer your wrath for all eternity instead of entering the ark and being rescued from that which will never end. We mourn their eternal state and plead with you to save those of our friends and family from a tragic and hopeless end. Our Father, you delight in the forgiveness of sin. Would you not be pleased to save them? Please, for the sake of your glory and kingdom, rescue our loved ones giving them eyes to see and ears to hear we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Gen. 6-9; 1 Peter 2:9

prayerWilliam Hill