Daily Prayer for January 29, 2021

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank you that you are our God and that you stand able and ready to help your people with their burdens, struggles, sorrows, and pain. We live in a fallen world, and we confess that we often feel its effects on our own lives. We grow weary of battling sin -- the world, the flesh, and the devil. We sometimes yield to temptation though we pray that you would not lead us there. We often fail to seize the means by which we can escape them. Forgive us, Father. Please help us to seize the means you provide to escape temptation. We pray that you would grant to your people your kindness and grace today. We ask that you would go before us and work all things according to the counsel of your will, bringing all glory to yourself and helping your church in this world. We plead with you to cause your people to seek first your kingdom and righteousness. Please help us, by your Spirit, to pursue holiness all of our days. We pray these things in the name of Christ. Amen.

Scripture Mediation: 1 Pet. 5:7; Matt. 6:33; 1 Cor 10:13

prayerWilliam Hill