Daily Prayer for January 20, 2022

Prayer: O Father, we take a long look at our lives and the condition of our own heart, and we lament and groan -- indeed, we grieve because we think and act so contrary to what you demand. We are creatures of dust, worms living in this fallen world. We, too, are fallen. We move through our days consumed with the fleeting things of this life. Rarely do we sit and ponder your greatness. Fleeting are those thoughts of your holiness that demand our absolute obedience in thought, word, and deed. Who will save us from this body of death? Who will rescue us from our indwelling sin - all sin? Thanks be to you, our Father, for the gift of your Son. Though our sins are as scarlet, they shall be whiter than snow. Who shall separate us from you? What can take us out of your hand? We praise you that our eternal destination doesn't depend on us. We thank you that you delight in forgiving our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness. Please grant us a genuine love for you married with a zeal to obey you each day. We know that we were made and saved to glorify you in all things. Please help us. Please be merciful to us. Please deliver us from this body of death. 

We pray for our family and friends who are still living trapped by the power of the Evil One. We pray that you, the God of salvation, would be pleased to rescue them from their misery and hopeless condition. We ask that you press their minds and hearts with their mortal state and the coming of death. We pray that you would do what we cannot do and rescue them and bring them safely into your glorious kingdom we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 22:6; Gen. 3:19; Is. 6; Rom. 7:21-25; Rom. 8:31-39; John 10:28-30; Is. 1:18

prayerWilliam Hill