Daily Prayer for January 17, 2024: Psalm 130

Prayer: Our most holy Father, you who stand able and ready to help us when we cry out to you for relief from the frustrations, perils, and burdens of this life, we bow before you today, mindful of your acts of providence in our lives. You alone are God, and there is no other. You alone order all things according to the counsel of your will -- a will that is good, perfect, righteous, and holy. Though we sometimes wonder how you are working when we face dark providences, we know that we can cry out to you from the depths of those sorrows, knowing that you will hear your people and help us in our time of need. We thank you that you do not treat us as we deserve. We know we deserve no good thing from you, but due to your lovingkindness, you bestow on us those blessings of this life and give us what we don't deserve. Though we struggle and wrestle with sin, you are quick to hear our cries for mercy and grant us the forgiveness that comes only through the blood of Christ. You help us to be patient in suffering and trial, granting us your spirit and that all-sufficient grace that is enough for us. We give us hope in a dark and decaying world through those promises you make in your Word. Indeed, our God, you are good to your church and your people, and we can only stand in awe of you, thanking you for the infinite kindness you display to weak and weary people. Please help us, Father, to love you and honor you today we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Psalm 130

prayerWilliam HillPsalm 130