Daily Prayer for February 9, 2021

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, you who are holy and the only true God of heaven and earth, we thank you that we can come to you today and pray and plead with you for those things we need. We are grateful that you are not like the dead idols of this world. You see, hear, and act according to your perfect will and according to your own counsel for the glory of your name and the good of your people. We confess that the affairs of this life sometimes burden us. We look around and see the brevity of our days. We know that our lives are like smoke. All of our days pass like a vapor. We are here today, and we will be gone tomorrow. We confess that we are sometimes burdened by the actions of the wicked against the godly. We confess that we often forget that you are on the throne and that you will bring us safely to our heavenly rest. Please help us, Lord, to remember that you are for us and that you will never leave us or forsake us. We plead with you to help your church to walk with you faithfully and that you would make her ready for her husband. We pray these things in the name of the Savior, the Lord Jesus. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 102

prayerWilliam Hill