Daily Prayer for February 3, 2021

Prayer: Our God and Father, we thank you that your Son has granted us access to the throne room of heaven and that we can come reverently and boldly to set our needs before you. We confess that the fleeting things of this life often mislead our hearts. We do not always guard our hearts with the diligence that is necessary to prevent worldliness from creeping in, leading to actions that are displeasing to you. We ask that you would help us to be more careful about the things we watch, read, and allow our minds to dwell on. We know that our enemy is seeking whom he may devour, but we also know that greater is he who lives in us than he lives in the world. We thank you that you sustain us and keep us and forgive us when we fall short. We pray these things in the name of the Savior. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: 1 Peter 5:7; Prov. 4:23-27

prayerWilliam Hill