Daily Prayer for February 24, 2021: WSC Q1

NOTE: A number of months ago i was writing the daily prayer using the Westminster Shorter Catechism. I got away from that practice. Today, I am renewing my effort to do so. 

Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever.

1 Cor. 10:31Rom. 11:36Ps. 73:25-28.

Prayer: Our God in heaven, you who are the alone creator and sustainer of heaven and earth and the one who has made man in your image, we bless your name today. We know that as your creatures, we have been made to glorify you in all we do. Your word tells us that whether we are eating, drinking, working, resting, reading, talking -- whatever it is, that our actions and attitudes should honor you and your holy Word. We confess that we do not always have this central truth firmly established in our minds. We know that if we did, we would sin less against you. Forgive us for failing to make this a priority in our daily living. Please help us, by your Spirit, to honor you with all of our being in thought, word, and deed. We pray these things n the name of the Savior, our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Mediation: 1 Cor. 10:31; Ps. 73:25-28

Additional Resources:

prayerWilliam Hill