Daily Prayer for February 2, 2021

Prayer: Our God in heaven, we thank you that you do not treat us as our sins deserve. We thank you that you are a God who is quick to forgive sin and unrighteousness in your people. When we go astray, we know that you tend to us as a gentle Father, moving us back to the path we should walk. Throughout the days of the church of old, you often called your people to return to you, and you often disciplined them as sons. WE know that some of them rebelled and refused to hear your voice. We read of others that heard, mourned their sin, repented of their ways, and returned to you. We plead with you, our Father, that you would hear our cries of confession as we hear your Word and acknowledge our son before you. We know that your Word tells us that we are blessed when our iniquity is covered and forgiven, and we know that comes only through the blood of your Son. We thank you that you have given us the Redeemer who did all that we could never do so we could walk with you and commune with you. By your Spirit, please help us hate sin and pursue godliness and holiness all of our days. Do not leave us to languish in our misery, but grant to us what you command of us. We pray these things in the name of Christ, our Lord. Amen

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 32

prayerWilliam Hill