Daily Prayer for February 15, 2021

Prayer: Our God, we were blessed to hear your Word preached on the Lord's Day, and we thank you for this ordinary and primary means of grace. We thank you that you have given us this means to help us and strengthen us and give us direction on our pilgrimage to our heavenly rest. We do not want to be like the church of old that heard your prophets and refused to respond in faith and repentance. We do not want to be like those who came out of Egypt who saw your mighty power and heard your voice and enjoyed the benefits of your presence and yet rebelled, failing to trust you. WE ask that you would make us doers of the Word and not mere hearers of it. We ask that you would bring great fruit from your Word proclaimed that it would not return to you void but will accomplish the purpose you have for it. Please grant us the grace we need, Lord. We pray all of these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Gen. 2:1-3; 2 Tim. 4:1-5; Jer. 7; Heb. 3:7-11; Isa. 55:11

prayerWilliam Hill