Daily Prayer for February 13, 2021

Prayer: Our glorious God and majestic king, you have made us to worship you. From the very beginning, when you created our first parents and throughout all ages, you have called your people to adore and commune with you. After the fall, you condescended with man, drawing men to your presence as a holy obligation to worship you. As we prepare for the lord's Day and the day of worship, we ask that you would be gracious to us by impressing on our hearts and minds the importance and vitality of corporate worship. We ask that you would cause us to see the great importance of gathering with your people, singing your praises, praying, and hearing from you through the reading, but especially the preaching of your Word. We confess that we often see this critical time as another thing we do each week. Forgive us for not seeing the beauty of corporate worship. Today, please prepare us for what we will do as your people on the day you have established as a small picture of that great day when we will worship you in holy perfection. We pray these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture Mediation: Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 19-20; Ps. 100

prayerWilliam Hill