Daily Prayer for December 9, 2021

Prayer: We praise you, most holy Father, for your constant care and compassion for the sheep of your pasture. We thank you that though we are plagued with the enticement of this world, your Spirit continues to guide and direct us as we move through our lives. We stand in awe of your patience as we repeatedly ask for forgiveness for our sin, knowing that we fall far short of your glory each day. Though we long to obey you perfectly, the present reality of indwelling sin hinders our efforts and labors. Yet, you are gracious to forgive each time we ask and not treat us as our sins deserve. We have peace of conscience and joy in the Holy Spirit through your beloved Son. Thank you, Father, for the perfect work of your Son who was appointed as our High Priest and who has gone through the heavens as one who sympathizes with every need and concern, we have because he suffered and was tempted in all ways we are yet without sin. Please help us be more fervent and bolder in prayer, pleading with you for what we need and desire because you are a good Father who stands able and ready to help us. We ask that you help us guard our hearts and minds against the efforts of the Evil One. We know that he works tirelessly to distract and disturb your people, so we pray that you would remember your promise to your church and help her and protect her. We thank you that your promises are not dependent on our behavior.

We pray today for the number of people in our churches who may suffer from chronic pain, illness, or seasonal infirmities. We ask that you raise them to health. We pray that you would use these opportunities in their lives to sanctify them further. Please help us be mindful of them and seek to serve them as we are able. We thank you that you are aware of our physical needs and our spiritual needs. Please hear these prayers for the sake of Christ your Son and our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 23; 1 John 1:9; Ps. 51; Heb. 4:14-16; Prov. 4:23

prayerWilliam Hill