Daily Prayer for December 9, 2020

Prayer: Lord, we plead our cause with you today as your people who are pilgrims in this world. We are exiles, living in a world that s not our home. We are sojourners, traveling through this life anticipating a better country. We cry out to you, "how long?" When will your Son return? When will this struggle be over? As the people of old longed for their redemption and often cried out to you, we too cry out to you pleading for that better country, the New Heavens and New Earth. We long to see sin eradicated from our lives and your creation. We long to be free from the struggle with sin. We long to see Christ coronated as the Lion of Judah. We are weary, Father. We are tired. Please help us to persevere. Give us more grace, Lord. Be merciful to us and help us in the struggle and the fight. May you be pleased to give to your church the will and desire to fight on until we hear the voice of the King. We pray this in His name. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 13; 1 Peter 1:1-12

prayerWilliam Hill