Daily Prayer for December 4, 2021

Prayer: Almighty God and heavenly Father, we praise you and thank you for giving us your eternal Word. We stand in awe of your condescending grace in providing us with your mind and will, which guides our steps and lights our path. Without your Word, we would be lost and blind and unable to discern what is good and right and true. Throughout your Word, you teach your desire to redeem a people for yourself that they might be holy and blameless in your sight. Ever since our first parents fell in the garden, you have been reversing the effects of sin through the labor of the seed of the woman who came, lived, served, obeyed, and died for the sins of his people. Yet, though we have a bountiful number of copies of your Word, too often we fail to use it, read it, and meditate on it. We know that your Word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, which is profitable for all things pertaining to life and godliness. Yet, we often neglect it and fail to consume it as our daily bread. Forgive us, Father, and grant us a greater desire to read and study your Word so that we might not sin against you. 

We pray for your ministers today as they labor in your Word, preparing a meal for your people. We ask that you would strengthen them and help them by your eternal Spirit. So many of those men, called by your name, wrestle with failings and inadequacies. So many of them struggle as all sinners struggle. Therefore, holy Father, encourage them today and bless their work to the glory of your kingdom and the good of your people we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Gen. 3:15; Heb. 4:12-13; Matt. 4:4

prayerWilliam Hill