Daily Prayer for December 4, 2020

Prayer: Father, you have told us to trust in your with all of our heart, and we know that we can because you are not a God who can lie. You are faithful and true, and all of your judgments are right and good. There is no shadow of turning in you, and, therefore, we know that what you said yesterday is still true today and will be tomorrow. Yet, we are prone to turning toward our own understanding of things and leaning too much on our own fallen wisdom and knowledge. We desire to rest firmly upon your Word, knowing that it will lead us and guide us as light guides our steps on a dark path. Forgive us for trusting in our own feeble and fallen mind and heart. Please grant us a deeper resolve to trust in you with all of our heart. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Prov. 3:5-6


prayerWilliam Hill