Daily Prayer for December 27, 2020

Prayer: Our God, we bless you for the gift of the Lord's Day. Your word tells us that you regard this day as holy. Sadly, and too our own embarrassment, we often find it an interruption to our lives. We know that the command to keep the Sabbath holy uniquely reveals the remaining worldliness in us. We confess our self-centeredness and failure to honor you by spending the whole day in the public and private exercise of your worship. We are ashamed of how much we know this day brings us and how infrequently we take advantage of it. Forgive us, Father. Renew in us a greater love and zeal for the Lord's Day. Open our eyes and hearts that we may truly delight in it, not doing our own pleasure, by delighting in you. We pray this in the name of Christ. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20: 8-11; Isa. 58:13-14

prayerWilliam Hill