Daily Prayer for December 22, 2020

Prayer: Our God in heaven, you were willing to condescend to us and to clothe yourself with human flesh and take upon yourself our nature, yet without sin. By the labors of the second person of the eternal Godhead, you came to redeem us from sin and misery. As the Son labors, he reverses the effect of the Fall. We are thankful to Him for his great work of redeeming us and bringing us peace of conscience. When we think about what the Son did on our behalf, we are ashamed of our lack of zeal and love for him. We fail to adore him as we should. We fall short of the obedience we owe as a result of his saving mercy. So often, we seek our own kingdom and not yours. Forgive us, Lord. Please renew our minds and hearts and conform them to your will. Please grant to us a greater willingness and zeal to love Jesus, your only begotten Son. We pray this in his name. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Isa. 53; Matt. 6:33; Rom. 12:1-2

prayerWilliam Hill