Daily Prayer for December 2, 2020

Prayer: Father, we so often feel like the people of old as we wander through the wilderness of this life and world. We struggle to make sense of much that is going on around us. We know that your Word tells us that you are sovereign, but there are times when the struggle seems too much to bear. Yet, you cared for those people in their times of struggle, and you care for us in ours. We are pilgrims in this world waiting for a better country. Please forgive us for placing our minds and hearts on the fleeting things of this life and for being distracted from that which you have called us to do. Please help us to not grow weary in doing good and to run the race you have set before us. Remember your promise to bring us safely to our heavenly rest and grant to us your Spirit that we would persevere to the very end. We pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our forerunner and Savior. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Dan. 4; Psa. 115:3; Ex. 16; Col. 3:1-18; Gal. 6:9; Heb. 12:1; Phil. 1:6

prayerWilliam Hill