Daily Prayer for December 16, 2020

Prayer: Our glorious God in heaven, you who are the alone sovereign of heaven and earth, the Creator and sustainer of all things, we praise your name today because this is the day you have made. Because you gave us this day, we will rejoice and praise you and determine to live to your glory. We thank you that you guide our steps each day. Just as you guided the journies of the Old Testament church, you continue to do so for the church today faithfully. As the Good Shepherd of the sheep, you sometimes bring us through dark providences, and you also bring us to green pastures. You do so to strengthen us and conform us more and more in the image of our Savior. We confess that we do not always understand your purposes, but we know that they are designed for our well-being. Please help us to trust you today and not worry about tomorrow. Please give us a greater measure of your Spirit so we would not fret and grow weary. We thank you that you love us enough to sanctify us completely. We pray these things in the name of the Savior, your Son, and our Lord. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 115:3; Gen. 1; Ps. 118:24; Ps. 23; Matt. 6:25-34

William Hill