Daily Prayer for August 5, 2021


Prayer: Grant Almighty God that you would offer your comfort and compassion to your people who you love and pity. Please remind them of your love and favor and how you order all things according to the counsel of your own will working all things for your glory and their good. Too often, we question your divine providence and fail to see your hand of goodness through difficulties and trials. Please help us to remember your love as you seek to shepherd your people through their pilgrimage in this life. We confess that we live in a fallen world, and we confess that we are fallen. Therefore, we grow weary and anxious and sinfully worry about our lives. Please help us to place our whole trust and confidence in you regardless of the circumstances. Help us to count it all joy when we meet trials of every kind through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ps. 23; Matt. 6; James 1:1-4

prayerWilliam Hill