Daily Prayer for August 4, 2021


Prayer: Almighty God, we thank you for giving us your moral law that tells us of your holy and righteous demands upon us. We know that you are the creator and, as such, you can demand from us whatever worship or obedience you desire. We know that the law demonstrates your character and calls to a redeemed people to strive to be obedient to it diligently using the outward means of grace. Though we love your law, we are forgetful and stiff-necked at times and break it. We know that we sin daily in thought, word, and deed, and we seek your forgiveness through your Son. We thank you for our Savior and Redeemer because he has freed us from the dominion of sin by keeping your holy demands perfectly in every way. Finally, we thank you for your Spirit given to us that we are then made able and willing to do all that you have commanded us through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Ex. 20; Deut.5; Rom. 6

prayerWilliam Hill