Daily Prayer for August 24, 2021


Prayer: Our Father in heaven, you alone are sovereign over all creation. You made the world and all things in it. You are the Creator, and we are your creatures. You govern and uphold all things by the word of your power. We thank you that you have ordered our days and told us to number ours carefully and wisely. Though we have plunged your world into chaos through our own sin, we thank you that you have provided a Redeemer who is reversing the effects of the fall. Though this life is often filled with misery and strife, we thank you that we can flee to you and plead with you for the things that we need. Therefore, we pray for our brothers and sisters living in challenging circumstances today. Many of them are under great threat from wicked people. Many of them are worried and anxious. Many of them are scared. We ask you, the Father of all comfort, to help them. We plead with you to frustrate the intentions of wicked people for the sake of your people who you love. Please be gracious to your chosen people, and help them lean on you through times of great turmoil with pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: Gen. 1; Heb. 1; Ps. 23; 1 Peter 5:7

prayerWilliam Hill