Daily Prayer for April 28, 2021


Prayer: Our great and holy God, we thank you for the privilege of prayer brought about by the work of your Son and our Savior, the great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ. We confess to you that we often feel like the prophet who mourned and grieved over the circumstances of his day. There are times when we feel abandoned by you, though your Word plainly tells us you will never leave us or forsake us. We are like wandering sheep, exiles in a dark world that has no regard for your Word or will. We grieve over the circumstances of our life. We plead with you to work mightily through your church and through the preaching of your Word. We pray for revival born by your Spirit that your people might be moved to pray and plead with the God of heaven. We seek your face, knowing that our feelings do not change our need to come before you, and pray to find hope in you, our Father. Please help us today to walk according to your will and be useful salt and light in a dark place. We pray these things in the name of your Son. Amen. 

Scripture Meditation: Lam. 3; Matt. 5:14-16

William Hill