Daily Prayer for April 22, 2021


Prayer: Our God in heaven, we bow before you today to pray and plead with you for the things we need. We know that we need prayer, and we know that we have been granted access to you through your Son. Thank you for the great privilege afforded to us when we can come to you and commune with you. We confess our weakness in prayer. We confess our prayerless prayers. We confess that we do not pray as we ought, and we do not pray nearly enough. Forgive us for such laziness in our prayer lives. Forgive us for not spending the time each day to plead with you for our nation, our world, our families, our churches, and our lost friends and loved ones. Forgive us for not being godly examples of prayer to our children. Forgive us for not gathering with your people to pray with them. We grieve our poor efforts and know that you are patient with us though we often stray in this area. Please help us and remind us to pray more and to plead with you, the one true God and sovereign of all things. Thank you for forgiving us and grant to us a true heart of repentance in this area. We pray these things in the name of the one who is mediating for us each day, the Lord Jesus. Amen.

Scripture Meditation: 1 John 5:14; 1 John 1:9; 1 Chron. 16:11; James 5:13; Ps. 4:1

prayerWilliam Hill