Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 6

Read: Matthew 6

Matthew Six continues the Sermon on the Mount. In this chapter, the Lord Jesus addresses numerous items. First, he discusses the issue of giving to the needy. Of course, all Christians should be doing that, but notice that Jesus says it should be done without drawing attention to the action. Instead, serve and give to others without fanfare. Second, the Lord teaches his disciples to pray. Again, the emphasis on prayer in the life of Christ is significant. It should be for us as well. If Jesus prayed, how much more should we pray? Third, and closely related, is the subject of fasting. Fasting does not receive much attention in the church today. That should not be the case. Fasting is often helpful to help focus on a particular issue, seeking God’s wisdom during the period of the fast. Fasting is a deliberate refusal to eat or drink for a specified period of time. It is not meritorious, but it is often referred to in the Bible as useful to help one discern the will of God, spending the time you would ordinarily use for eating to pray. Fourth, Jesus addresses our priorities and our anxieties. The Christian's priority is to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness, storing treasures in heaven and not on this earth. This world will bring much anxiety, and its care will cause one to worry. On the other hand, God's people should seek the heavenly city and place their trust and hope there.



  1. When serving the Lord, you do not need to make that known to others. Instead, serve him and bring no attention to yourself.

  2. Spend time thinking over the Lord’s Prayer. The Westminster Shorter Catechism has a very helpful exposition that will be beneficial.

  3. Remember your priorities! Your priorities are no longer those that burden the world. So think through your week, evaluate those things you give your time to, and make the necessary changes as you seek God’s kingdom.


  1. Memorize the Lord’s Prayer. Read The Shorter Catechism Q100-107.

  2. Memorize Matt. 6:33