Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 21

Read: Matthew 21

This chapter begins the section of Matthew’s gospel where Jesus is now in his final days and takes the opportunity to teach at the temple. The chapter is divided as follows: First, the triumphal entry into Jerusalem (21:1-11). Here the people praise and magnify the Savior but miss the point of his arrival. In a few days, this same crowd will clamor for his death. Second, Jesus cleanses the temple from those who abuse it (21:12-17). Third, there is the unusual account of Jesus cursing the fig tree (21:18-22). That account is predictive of what God will do to Jerusalem and the temple for executing his Son. Fourth, Jesus’ authority is challenged by the religious leaders of the day. As usual, he confounds them with his answer. Finally, two parables highlight that the kingdom has been given to those who listen (21:28-46). The second parable speaks directly to the prophetic ministry of Christ and is a strong indictment against the religious leaders of his day who will not listen.

Learn: The sequence of events of the Triumphal Entry (21:1-11)

Application: The crowd was confused by the first advent of the Savior. They expected a conquering King. Instead, he was the suffering servant of Jehovah. Do you understand the mission and work of Christ?