Bible Knowledge Project: Matthew 20

Read: Matthew 20

The important section of this chapter is the parable Jesus tells at the opening (20:1-16). The parable is a reminder that God works salvation in the lives of his people, and it is his prerogative to give good gifts to his people how he sees fit. Therefore, we have no reason to be jealous of anything our brothers and sisters possess since those things come from God. That is his option, and he works in ways that require no affirmation on our part.

This chapter also contains an essential lesson regarding service in the kingdom. God’s people are to be servants of one another. The first will be last, and the last first. That is a hard lesson for us to learn in this life which teaches the opposite. Yet, as the perfect example of humility, Christ calls his followers to live humble lives before others.

Learn: The specifics of The saviors suffering (Matt. 20:17-19)


  1. Our God is a generous, giving God. He has given you many blessings. Therefore, spend time today thanking him for his many mercies. Be specific.

  2. Serving others is not for someone else to do. It is for you to do! You are most like Christ when you serve others. Think of specific ways you can serve others in the church. Do it for the good of your brothers and sisters. Don’t do it to be noticed.